The Article Title
Lets create basic sinatra app $ mkdir sinatra-logger $ cd sinatra-logger Create file to set project ruby version and gemset $ echo 'ruby-2.2.0@sinatra-logger' > .ruby-version # Activate »
As logs the goal of HubPress is to build static content on Github Pages. These tools are really great, but we wanted to provide a tool »
Lets create basic sinatra app $ mkdir sinatra-logger $ cd sinatra-logger Create file to set project ruby version and gemset $ echo 'ruby-2.2.0@sinatra-logger' > .ruby-version # Activate »
Lets create basic sinatra app $ mkdir sinatra-logger $ cd sinatra-logger Create file to set project ruby version and gemset $ echo 'ruby-2.2.0@sinatra-logger' > .ruby-version # Activate »
As Jekyll, Octopress or Awestruct, the goal of HubPress is to build static content on Github Pages. These tools are really great, but we wanted to »