Logs: a web application to test logger

As logs the goal of HubPress is to build static content on Github Pages. These tools are really great, but we wanted to provide a tool »

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The Article Title

Lets create basic sinatra app $ mkdir sinatra-logger $ cd sinatra-logger Create file to set project ruby version and gemset $ echo 'ruby-2.2.0@sinatra-logger' > .ruby-version # Activate »

Sinatra logging ti

Lets create basic sinatra app $ mkdir sinatra-logger $ cd sinatra-logger Create file to set project ruby version and gemset $ echo 'ruby-2.2.0@sinatra-logger' > .ruby-version # Activate »

Blog Post


HubPress: a web application to build static blog on GitHub Pages.

As Jekyll, Octopress or Awestruct, the goal of HubPress is to build static content on Github Pages. These tools are really great, but we wanted to »

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