As logs the goal of HubPress is to build static content on Github Pages.
These tools are really great, but we wanted to provide a tool more user-friendly and accessible for the majority of people. Another point is that we love the Asciidoc markup and we looked for a way to contribute to its development.
That’s why we made HubPress.
With the usual tools, to build a blog on Github Pages require a minimum of technical knowledge (you need to know git, to install ruby, to learn a build process …).
To provide a better user experience, we made a web interface based on Asciidoctor with the javascript version.
With HubPress, all you need is an internet connection and a GitHub account, that’s all!
To save or publish a post, just one click is necessary. As we focus on accessibility, you just have to focus on writing.
HubPress is :
Please find here attached an "how to" video which shows you the simplicity to publish your own blog post with hubpress.
Reminder: Hubpress is still in preview. So your feedbacks are more than welcome. If you want to give it a try, you’re welcome